Apple-Pecan Sticky Buns


apple pecan sticky bunsOMG who doesn’t love sticky buns?!  I am a huge fan.  Well the other day my friend Kelsey and I decided to make them for brunch and it was wonderful.  I am so glad we had these.  They were fabulous!

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October Foodie Pen Pal

It’s Foodie Pen Pal time!  I got this delicious package from Wine to Weightlifting.

She sent me green tea, pumpkin butter, chocolate bar, a bunch of chocolate candies, apples and a toy for my kitties!!!  How cool is that!  Pippi and Mimi love it!

All of it is amazing.  The candies are all gone and the apples went into my apple dutch baby.

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Produce Sale: Baked Breakfast Apples

Produce Sale is an ongoing series.  What happens is I go to the grocery store or the farmer’s market and find vegetables or fruit that are on sale or super cheap and regardless of whether I have ever cooked with it before, I buy it and find a recipe for it.

Target had Fuji apples on sale.  I like apples, why not?  And these were super delicious and easy to make.  I will be having another one some time this week.

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The Hunger Games: Mellark’s Apple and Goat Cheese Tarts

This is an ongoing series of food related to The Hunger Games, here are the links to the other recipes- Peeta’s raisin nut bread, the bakery bread Katniss and Gale ate in the woods, the Capitol pancakes, lunch with Cinna (chicken in orange sauce), District 11 bread, Goose Liver and Puffy Bread, Lamb Stew and Dried Plums, cake on fire, hot chocolate,
“We make a goat cheese and apple tart at the bakery,” he (Peeta) says.

“Bet that’s expensive,” I say.

“Too expensive for my family to eat.  Unless it’s gone very stale.  Of course, practically everything we eat is stale,” says Peeta, pulling the sleeping bag up around him.  In less than a minute, he’s snoring.

Huh.  I always assumed the shopkeepers lived a soft life.  And it’s true, Peeta has always had enough to eat.  But there’s something kind of depressing about living your life on stale bread, the hard, dry loaves that no one else wanted.  One thing about us, since I bring our food home on a daily basis, most of it is so fresh you have to make sure it isn’t going to make a run for it.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Katniss, p 309

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