Apple-Pecan Sticky Buns


apple pecan sticky bunsOMG who doesn’t love sticky buns?!  I am a huge fan.  Well the other day my friend Kelsey and I decided to make them for brunch and it was wonderful.  I am so glad we had these.  They were fabulous!

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Chicken Korma

I was given this recipe by a really good friend of mine.  I love getting handwritten  recipes from people.  It feels so authentic and personal to me.  These are recipes that people share with their loved ones.  And then they took the time to sit down and write it.  I adore handwriting.  Mine is not the best, but if I write very slowly I can produce something I am proud to share.  Also, since people so rarely give handwritten recipes anymore, it feel extra special to me!

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#SundaySupper: Chicken Chowder

#SundaySupper is a group of bloggers who are on a mission to bring back supper around the family table in every home.  This week the theme is comfort food.

Whenever I think of comfort food I always think of soup.  Soup always makes things better.  If I have a cold or if I am homesick I want soup.  Soup always makes me feel better; always warms my soul.  I use to have to go out for soup.  But I am working on it.  I have been collecting soup recipes and slowly but surely attempting to make them.  Some times they are horrible, but lately I have been making some really delicious soup!!!

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Chocolate Ice Cream with Peanut Butter

I realize that fall is kind of starting.  Ok every day it gets a little colder.  But I have never been the sort of person who thinks that ice cream is only a summer treat.  So, I made some ice cream this past weekend.  It is fabulous and I can’t wait to make more.

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#SundaySupper: Baked Egg with Mushrooms and Bacon

#Sunday Supper is a group of bloggers who are on a mission to bring back supper around the family table in every home.  This week the theme is quick and easy meals.

I live by myself.  Therefore, getting dinner on the table fast is a little bit different for me than some of the other blogs that are participating in this #SundaySupper.  However, I still want to get dinner on the table fast some nights and baked eggs are one of my favorite.  You can put whatever you want in it and they are really easy to make.  And only 15 minutes in the oven.

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Peaches and Cream Ice Cream

Did you see all the pictures from Northern Spark?  OMG it was so much fun and so beautiful!!  There was so much are and a lot of it was interactive.  I went to The Walker first.  They had some drawings, bedtime stories and bon fires.  Next I went to The American Swedish Institute, where we yarn bombed our bikes.  Later I headed over to Minneapolis College of Art and Design.  They had so much going on; the group swinging, capture the flag, shadow puppets, this human video game thing, face paint and a glow in the dark space with people playing music that I don’t understand, but looked super cool.

It was so awesome!!  I am so glad my friend told me about it!  It will now be a yearly ritual of mine I am sure.  Oh and there were bikes every where!!

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#IceCreamlove: Maple Syrup and Vanilla Ice Cream

June is #icecreamlove month! I am hosting this month!!  How exciting!  In the past I participated in #pastalove#berrylove#greenlove#chocolatelove.

I made ice cream!!!  I have never made ice cream before, well I made it once in girl scouts, forever ago.  But this is my first time making it by myself.  OMG IT TASTES SO GOOD!!

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Foodie Pen Pal: Tunnel of Fudge Redux

FOODIE PEN PAL TIME!!!  I love getting my foodie pen pal package.  I really enjoy making the package.  It is all so much fun and so yummy!!

These are all the goodies I received from the amazing Amanda!  I loved all the treats and pasta!  She also sent me a recipe for Chocolate Cake and my oh my it was intense!! A very dark chocolate cake, I needed ice cream with it and then it was amazing!!

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The Hunger Games: Hot Chocolate

This is an ongoing series of food related to The Hunger Games, here are the links to the other recipes- Peeta’s raisin nut bread, the bakery bread Katniss and Gale ate in the woods, the Capitol pancakes, lunch with Cinna (chicken in orange sauce), District 11 bread, Mellark’s apple and goat cheese tarts, goose liver and puffy bread, lamb stew and dried plums, cake on fire,

“They call it hot chocolate,” says Peeta.  “It’s good.”

I take a sip of the hot, sweet, creamy liquid and a shudder runs through me.  Even though the rest of the meal beckons, I ignore it until I’ve drained my cup.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Katniss, p 55

Finally, I fill a plate with rolls and sit at the table, breaking off bits and dipping them into hot chocolate, the way Peeta did on the train.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Katniss, p 87

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